
Wednesday, 21 April 2010

First Foal of the Season!

This is Honey with our first foal of the season born 15/04/2010...he's a colt!!

Honey is a real honey!  We have had her for about 5 years...3 years ago she lost her own foal during a bad birth but she went away to foster a foal over in the west of Scotland and she did a brilliant job!
Then 2 years ago Honey's foal was about a month old when unfortunately we had to have another mare, Tina put to sleep, (somehow Tina had managed to break her leg and nothing could be done)....Tina had given birth to a foal around the same time as Honey....believe it or not Honey just took that foal and reared it alongside her own one asked her to take that foal...they looked just like they were twins... it was a wonderful site to see!!!

This is a photo of Honey with Amber, her own foal and Topaz her foster foal in 2008!

1 comment:

  1. Jean Shute said

    I saw your beautiful baby on your blog. For some reason, I can't comment there. Love the old stone buildings and cobblestone paths. How old is your farm? Since you raise sheep, do you spin or sell the wool? My husband is of Scottish decent, so someday soon, we plan to visit the British Isles.


Hi there, thanks for dropping by, I appreciate your visit and comments.....