
Saturday, 21 August 2010

Our New Farrier!

We had the Farriers here today to shoe three horses...Bess, Moth and Dibbley all had new shoes,

This is David the 'Boss', he's seating the shoe on Bess...

Neil is an apprentice in his second year of training (still has three more years to go, UK rules) and the DS of some our friends and neighboring farmers, Neil got to put back shoes on Dibbley today, he did a great job...'Well Done" Neil!


  1. i L.O.V.E.! reading your blog....such a treat. my favorite of your ponies is the dapplpe in the second picture...i just want to tickle that pink muzzle! i think i need to visit scotland!


  2. My dogs would have been in there. They used to have a 'thing' about the trimmings from the hooves. Yuck.
    I think I might want your life, dogs, country, horses, swap the sheep for cows and I'd be in heaven.

  3. I agree Sally...yucky, our dogs have a thing about the trimmings from horse hooves too, we do keep cows, but whats wrong with sheep?


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