
Sunday, 31 October 2010

Bloggers Quilt Festival ...Fall 2010!

I have visited the 'Blogger's Quilt Festival' hosted by Amy of 'Amy's Creative Side' before but this is the first time to show one of my own quilts...

I am showing my favorite quilt! 
Which one is that?  Well, it's usually the one I am working on at the moment or the one I've just finished!

Some good friends of ours have just had a wonderful baby daughter, so I made a quilt...what else!  No prizes for guessing her name!

I suppose it's a 'wholecloth'! 

It is a "50 x 60" wholecloth!

I chose a font and printed off some letters......kind of used them as templates although it was a bit tricky....I did use an elmers purple glue stick to try to hold them in place but I was a little worried in case the printers ink came through onto the fabric....I roughly drew around them with a purple marker.

Quite simple in design but special all the same....all freehand, feathered borders, all-over feathered swirl meander, I'm still on a huge learning curve as this is only the second quilt that I have quilted on my new longarm........(that proper job gets in the way of my 'playtime')!

This is the quilt HOT off the frame, it's had a quick soak to remove any purple marks and a quick wash with a 'colour catcher' to make sure the fabrics wouldn't bleed.

Of course when it's plain white fabric, no piecing, then there's nothing but the quilting, you've got to use every trick in the book to get a good photograph!
If I find later that I can get a better shot then I'll add some more photo's or replace some!

I love how the white thread looks almost silver on that beautiful ruby red backing fabric.......I almost love the back more than the front...but that's just me, I usually do!

Don't forget you can click on the photos to enlarge them!

 Are there plenty of photos yet?

Talking of thread it was a near's just difficult to know how much thread a quilt is going to take....I was ready to send out an SOS to my British quilting friends as this is Metro thread and came in a huge multi box from bobbin central.

Can you tell "I LOVE this quilt"!

Don't forget to take a visit to Amy at the 'Blogger's Quilt Festival' and take a look at all the hundreds of quilts on show... they are magnificent!

Thank you Amy!


  1. Lovely, looks like you had a lot of fun doing this one.

  2. Wow! Absolutely amazing! Lucky little Ruby! :-)

  3. Wow. Wow. Wow. This is really stunning! I think you have the knack of using your new longarm! Oh. My. Gosh.

  4. What a _great_ quilt! I don't think that anyone would guess that you felt that you were still on a learning curve with your long arm! Beautiful - thanks for sharing!

  5. I am blown away -- what a stunning quilt! I love the red "ruby" back for Ruby (great name too)- this is a heirloom piece. Your quilting is so beautiful - thanks for sharing this!

  6. WOW! Fabulous quilt. What a treasure. I'm so impressed.

  7. Gorgeous quilt!!! LOVE that hot pink.
    Andi :-)

  8. That is gorgeous! And how clever to print off the letters to use as a template. Also, no...there can never be enough pictures. Its beautiful; you should be proud!!

  9. This quilt is breathtaking. So beautiful.

  10. Hi Kay,

    Your Ruby quilt is spectacular! I really love what you've done with it. I am expecting another grandchild in February. This has given me some inspiration and ideas.

    Sandra Darlington
    Philadelphia, PA USA

  11. Beautiful Kay!! What a fun quilt, quiltilng looks great.

  12. I love it! I'm not sure how you printed/created templates for the lettering? Seeing the thread left over makes my heart skip a beat too... that was really cutting it close. Beautiful quilting and great idea.

  13. Fantastic quilting. No wonder you're proud of it. I would be too.

  14. Terrific Kay! You are moving right along, and looks like you are enjoying the process!

  15. Kay

    Ruby will treasure her quilt, so beautiful !!!

  16. Stunning! I wish I could quilt like that! :)

  17. Beautiful work! And I love the bright back - so unexpected with the white front.

  18. Nice Kay. Really beautiful! I'd be interested in knowing your process. Did you mark your borders and square where you planned for the name first, then filled in from there?

  19. Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments, I really enjoyed making this quilt and Mum was thrilled, said she would keep it forever.....
    Debbie, I marked the borders with a blue marker then used my channel locks to quilt in the staight lines and the name plate as I advanced the quilt, I stabalised the name plate and side borders with pins and then went back and quilted in the name and turned the quilt for the borders. Knowing that the name was short I was able to print out onto A4 size paper (approx 9x11), so the name plate on this quilt was approx A4 size too...hope that helps.....
    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  20. Oh! I wish I could quilt like this! 1% of your talent would be good for me!

  21. I love whole cloth quilts. Looks great and I really like that you incorporated the name as part of the design.


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