
Sunday, 23 January 2011

A Busy Weekend!

First, off the frame was my ebay quilt.....I'm busy sewing down the binding.....then you can see it!

Next, I came across these 'churn dash' blocks's time they were used so I found fabric for and cut the setting triangles and borders, got them stitched it's a flimsy waiting to be quilted....more practice.....

I am trying to use up my 'nothing special' tops for practice and trying out the new gadgets for my longarm...these types of tops set on point are just great for that...there's room for a bit of experimentation!

Next, my Granddaughter came to visit on Saturday around 2.30pm and we spent the next 4 1/2 hours in the studio piecing together the blocks for her very own is Fieron sewing one of the long seams on her Singer 99 handcrank......she's only seven years old.....I had to come back to say Fieron is eight years did that

 We are mostly used to having two hands to control fabric these days...that's a long seam and it was fairly straight with just one hand.....but Fieron has already got the technique off....see her tongue is sticking out...just like mine does....that helps!

Fieron had booked her quilt in next to be quilted and it has now been quilted so that too will be shown in due course when bound.

All in all an interesting weekend!


  1. Kay Love your churn dash, and Fieron looks a little pro sat there. Just look at her concentration. A new quilter is born.

  2. We must be related! I stick my tongue out just like that, and so does my brother. It was the subject of much teasing when I was a child :-)
    Love the hand crank and what a beautiful grand daughter you have.

  3. What a beautiful young lady! And yep, I'm still a tongue-sticker-outer, too! Love your handcrank machine.

  4. Love your churn dash quilt - you should have a great play on that. What fun with your gradndaughter...isnt it lovely when they are interested in how to do the same as you?
    I also love the look of your drawings of whole cloth quilts? They look very involved - Have you done them yet...what size are they? Would love to see them - I envy you your long-arm :)

  5. Me too - I stick my tonge out, as did my Mum!! Such a lovely photo of Fieron working on her quilt! I'm looking forward to your reveal.

  6. I just spent the entire day reading your blog from finish to start. Between your posts and your pictures it's almost like being in Scotland. I'm hooked and am your new follower!


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