
Friday, 7 January 2011

Look what we got!

Our tractor man could hardly believe his eyes when he came across this out in the fields yesterday.....

Luckily my DH brought them inside as it was minus 15 celsius here this morning!

DH said....'Well it's a start'!

Sure is....we don't start lambing till April!


  1. How wonderful! One of my neighbours has Jacob's sheep, which always have their lambs much earlier than the other sheep - it is always a delight to see them.

  2. Good grief, what a surprise. Is that an experienced ewe or a youngster? At least you have them both in now.

    Sorry not to write back, email is one of the many things which has gone out the window since the arrival of an 8-week old puppy - we must be mad but he's gorgeous!

  3. Absolutely beautiful baby. It makes me miss having our baby goats.

  4. You may not start lambing until April, but I think mama had different ideas!!

  5. Aww, how sweet!


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