
Friday, 4 February 2011

Fun on Friday!

Sometimes life just it was time for a bit of FUN...ON FRIDAY!

I've been promising to do this project for a while, I got the DVD from Ferret last year when we were at Linzi Uptons Summer Retreat near Aberdeen (UK)!

I didn't take before or during, but only after photos, simply because once I started I didn't want to stop not even for here is the finished flimsie....

This is my take on Ricky Tim's Chantelle quilts.....

I am calling it 'In Search of the Elusive Black Tulip'!

I think my tulips are just starting to open

It's totally scrappy and just incase you don't know it is supposed to be 'wonky'! These quilts are all about breaking the rules, having fun and just finding out what happens when you relax and let it happen!

I think I need to quilt it on the longarm...wonder what designs I'll choose?


  1. It's a fun, fun technique, isn't it? Have you tried his Harmonic Convergence? Wonderful, easy colourful quilts. Love them.
    Lurking Linda

  2. That looks like a lot of fun!

  3. What a riot of color! Your tulips are up? Mine are still under a foot of snow! No buds of any kind for at least another month.

  4. Now thats different - I like it ♥


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