
Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Too Cute!

Puzzle with her colt foal Pluto.....

For Shannon....

Baxter the proud father of many......

We breed Coloured Gypsy or Irish cobs...with feathers....well you gotta have a link somewhere between quilting and horses...I just love feathers....that's full mane, tail and hair around the hooves....
Saying that both of my riding horses have hogged manes and clipped legs but that's more because they are a different type of horse....

We pick a theme for names.....
Last year was cars so we had names like Jenson, Capri, Cooper, Lotus etc....
Year before was we had Hazel, Willow, Aspen, Rowan, Juniper etc....

This year my Grandkids chose stars and planets....bit more difficult to choose for colts and filly's but we'll give it a go... so far we have Pluto (Puzzles foal), Hailey, Venus, and Stella...


  1. awww!! too cute is right!

    it's amazing how puzzle's dark patches are almost identical to the foal' you have a pic of the sire?

  2. Beautiful!
    I'm part of a 'gang' that does Mare Stare for Kay Baxter, a miniature/Shetland breeder in Ohio. Hers are all paints too. She had 3 foals this year, 2 fillies & one colt. The last one, Annie, was born on the 5th & has been thru' so much! She & her dam, Tease, spent 5 days in the "ER" at Ohio State University. But she's thriving now & growing & is a real character.
    You can still catch them on the Mare Stare cam here if you want to take a look (and if they aren't outside!):

  3. Lovely little foal. At the riding stables I go to they have a food theme - their foals have been Cracker, Muffin and this year's is Crumpet! They do distract the horses at first but I love to watch them too!

  4. That's a good one Nicky...maybe we'll try that next year...I'll put it on my list and make a decision next year....

    Thanks for visiting.

  5. Adorable! I just want to snuggle her. Friends of ours name their goats in categories like you. They also used cars once.


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