
Sunday, 9 October 2011

Longarm Quilting Pick up Service...

I visited my Local Quilt Shop last week, that's Borderland Fabrics in Jedburgh and have arranged with Annette to offer a 'Pick up and Drop off' quilting service on the afternoon of the 1st Friday of each month during their weekly 'Patch and Chat' session, I will be there between 1.30 and 3pm.

You can always find details on my website...the link is in the sidebar on the left....

While there I picked up a couple of quilt tops.....the 'Hungry Caterpillar' is a shop sample.....

I think this totally handpieced quilt top now quilted with a pantograph (Ambrosia) will be a donation quilt....

Now back to binding my stack and wack!


  1. Wonderful quilting Kay - I really like te Hungry Caterpillar

  2. They both look super - I love the Hungry Caterpillar!

  3. Congratulations on your expanding business Kay!
    I really like the swirls in the Hungry Caterpillar! He must have a sweet tooth, with the cupcake & lollies there....
    The Rail Fence quilt looks wonderful too - that's the hand-pieced one? Wow!


Hi there, thanks for dropping by, I appreciate your visit and comments.....