
Monday, 24 September 2012

Normal transmission has resumed....

Came back to earth with a bump this morning when I realised that I had to go to my real job....
It was a long and hectic weekend, it's a two hour drive there and a two hour drive back from Edinburgh, did it three times, that's twelve hours just driving. Did a bit of quilt show shopping and managed to visit our Youngest Son before driving home on Sunday.

Quite a haul of silverware and rosettes, pretty aren't they.

The larger quilts weren't best hung for taking photos but Sunday was a better day, least I didn't have to keep apologising for backing into viewers while trying to get a better shot.

Here are some of my favorite quilts from the weekend....

This one is my good friend Linzi's Capercaillie,visit her here The Quilt Quine

My good friend Rhianon entered a great selection  of quilts

Rhianon's awards were 
Judges Choice for Gecko Fabulous... 
Best Small Wallhanging for Bird of Paradise.....
Best Machine Quilting and 2nd Minature Quilt for Big Fat Gypsy Feathers 
That's Rhianon too with her Orca Bay Quilt, which is a Bonnie Hunter Mystery Quilt, isn't it fab....visit Rhianon at Nifty Stitcher

Love this quilt by Sandi Lush...Rosettes for Best Hand Quilting, Best Cot quilt, Runner up Overall Champion and other???  Fabulous! I love hand quilting!

There was a Japanese exhibition...

Lastly...these miniatures  were awesome...just look at that goldfish bowl with tiny goldfish....fantastic!

Roll on next year....


  1. Thanks for sharing the quilts.
    And, congratulations for bringing home all that silver and gold!
    I love handquilting too--it's the only kind I did for many years. However, I want to make a lot more quilts than handquilting will allow me to make--one of the reasons I enjoy your machine quilting so much. You do inspire me, and I'm sure you inspired quite a few people who saw your quilts.

  2. oh my what gorgeous quilts-all of them just stunning thanks for sharing-your friend's Orca Bay is wonderful!!

  3. Thanks for the quilt show! Congratulations on your winning quilt! It's beautiful!

  4. Some lovely quilts there - thanks for sharing!

  5. Love your rosettes, well done! Looks like a good show,mlots of nice quilts...
    Thanks for taking a pic of Capercaillie hanging straight ;)


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