
Saturday, 9 March 2013

and Oxnam Quilters raffle quilt 2013

I had a busy time last week delivering are two returned to Borderland Fabrics...the first is a commission quilt that Annette and Kathy made up and asked me to quilt for was a big one...

It is always a relief to get to this poing on a large quilt....this one measured 102"x102"...Happy times panto with Glide cream thread....
Borderland Fabrics 1

Borderland 2

I like a quilt that reaches to the floor.

I will be certain to buy tickets for this guild quilt for the Oxnam Quilters...Kathy and the ladies made up the top and sent it to me to quilt....again Happy times, a very popular panto with a Metro silver/grey thread....

Oxnam 2

Oxnam 3

Oxnam 1

Tickets for this raffle quilt are available at Borderland Fabrics Jedburgh....

1 comment:

  1. I would love to win that raffle quilt!! Love the first one too and it looks amazing on the bed.
    Happy Times is one of my favorite pantos.


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