
Sunday, 12 May 2013

Bonchester 2013

Saturday saw the start of the 'ride outs' for the Hawick Common Riding season. The weather this year so far has been very cold and lambing difficult so the horses had a late start at being handled and exercised....they aren't as fit as they should have been for the rides so Graham and Kyle joined in for the return ride making it about seven miles.....enough for the first time out. We wanted Kyle to have an easier ride as he was taking Bess his Grandads horse for the first time and Graham needed an shorter ride for Dibbley as she had been lame for a while after last years rides.

It was a cold windy day, 217 horses rode out to Bonchester, some horses then went home and others joined they are starting the return journey.

Bonchester 2013
The Cornet Chris Ritson up front with his Right and Left Hand Men and Acting Father

Graham & Kyle

Off they go
Off they go....


Kyle & Bess Graham & Dibbley
Kyle with Bess and Graham with Dibbley.......

We were all pleased to get our 'fish suppers' once the horses were fed, rugged and turned out into the field again that night.

Wednesday Update
Fierons first try on Layla

Fieron's first ride on Layla....big smiles all round!!!!!


  1. I have always thought horses to be so magnificent! Gorgeous photos

  2. Was this a race, or just a day out riding? This is so different than the way our horses look in Oklahoma, and they are used mainly for herding cattle and pleasure. Love the beauiful green country side.

  3. I can't believe a whole year has passed since the last rides!

  4. They're growing up fast....


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