
Tuesday, 29 October 2013

My MQX West 2013 part 3....

On Friday evening Maryna and I enjoyed the company of our friends new and old at the MQX Banquet, great food and entertainment. To my left a very old friend Michelle...wish we had a photo, Michelle and I really do 'go way back' Yahoo groups and 9" machines....right back to the beginning...We had new friends to our right, Sharon and Anne, who knew you could make such good friends just sorting out rooms and room mates?
Saturday was full of back to back classes for the morning filler classes with Judy Woodworth and in the afternoon Thread Art with Claudia...everyone in class did awesome work......

Janet-Lee, Mary and their many helpers really do put on a classy quilt show. Everything is so well organised, they pay attention to every detail. If you ever have an itch to go to MQX on the East, West or Mid West, don't hesitate, you will get the whole package, it's a true experience......

Sunset over MQX
After all the hustle and bustle of the show and classes there was more shopping and sight these huge, very masculine lorries.....some with lady drivers...

Alphabet District

A 1924 Harley....

A colourful horse among the colourful trees

Pioneer Square

It was a bit sad to say the least but good times always have to come to an end, Maryna and I travelled to Portland Airport together on the Max, then went our separate ways.....Maryna to South Africa via Seattle, Dubai and Jo' with a 3 hour delay missing my connection in Amsterdam. After travelling over 10,000 miles, suffering terrible travel sickness from Edinburgh to home....go figure????
Snow on the mountains
It was a great trip...met lots of wonderful people and made lots of new friends....can't wait to do it again....that is easy to say now the jetlag is over....

1 comment:

  1. Kay, I just love all your photos, especially the horse! Beautiful scenery. I too have taken classes from Judy and Claudia, although never thread painting. I'm just horrible at that! But what lovely ladies and both are so much fun. Sounds like you had an absolutely marvelous time. Lovely to have a getaway and to do something that you love, but always so nice to get back home filled with inspiration and ideas. :-)


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