
Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Roberton Show.....

This week is flying by, before going any further I need to post about my exhibition at Roberton Show last weekend.

I was asked to display and demonstrate quilting. It's a bit difficult, in a tent in the middle of a field to demonstrate quilting, so instead I opted to do a little piecing on my wonderful Singer hand crank machines. I had been a little anxious in case the field was wet and muddy for displaying my precious quilts.  I was really relieved that the rain blew away overnight to reveal a wonderful sunny day.

I love this photo taken on my iphone....not photoshopped at all except to add my logo....

I shared a tent with the Ladies selling local produce and raffle tickets for the tombola. I'm sure they all wondered what on earth I was doing when along with Robin, Kyle and Fieron I unloaded the stock trailer bringing a double bed, along with hooky and clippy rugs, rocking chairs, bedside tables and sewing machines to dress up the set?  At first it all looked a bit higgledy piggledy then all of a sudden I thought, 'there, that's it, we are ready'.

 Tents are not that high on the sides so my quilt frames needed to be brought in off the walls. I had to be doubly sure that no one tripped over the tripods so strategically placed quilt racks and pillows around to guide the viewers through the display....

I brought along two Singer 99K hand crank machines one dates from 1923, the other 1945. I also brought a Wilcox and Gibbs hand crank machine, no bobbin for this one, it produces a lovely chain stitch. I believe this machine to be dated around 1880's. The sewing machines, along with the hooky mats made by my Mother started lots of side topics and reminiscing....
One friend commented on the old fashioned phone sitting on the bedside table, I told him no one had rung all day to which he replied, 'that's because there's no signal in this valley', old meets new every time.

Fieron won a 2nd prize in the sewing category with her Kaffe top too....

 This is a small country show, the local farmers have a sheep show, we came home with a first and two seconds.....
 This is Robin setting up for his sheepdog demonstration, unfortunately I didn't get back outside at the right time to take photos of the actual demonstration.

I would have loved some photos when the quilt tent was full of people chatting but it seemed I was that busy chatting myself too and then the show was over and it was time to pack everything away and head home again, that's just up the road less than a mile away so didn't take long....


  1. Your show display is wonderful! How cozy it looks! How did you keep folks from coming in and taking a nap on you bed?

  2. Your display was gorgeous, I wish I could have seen it in person and drool over your quilts. Good thing it wasn't cold otherwise people may have wanted to cuddle under the quilts.

  3. Such a great display, I could stay there all day! I have an old hand crank chain stitch machine too made prior to 1866 by Goodspeed and Wyman.

  4. Kay, what a fabulous show. It must have been a lot of work for you to set up. Very lovely, Indeed!


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