
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt Post #3

I had good intentions this last week, but only managed to make 35 chevron blocks....but onwards and upwards. Bonnie posted clue #3 last Friday so Monday I cut all of the fabrics for this clue and strip pieced enough (8 strips) to make up 20 blocks...only another 100 to go, then I'll go back to clue #2 and work on those other 65 chevrons....well, in the rule of thirds, I've past the first third mark, that's a threshold I stepped over so working to the next threshold should be easy.....right???

And yes, I know my colours are a little different, it's my quilt!

On a good note I did finish up all of my promised Client quilts today and moved on to a special Christmas gift quilt, it may take me the rest of this week to finish this one and it needs binding before gifting too. Did I say I have yet to write Christmas cards or wrap gifts....better get organised!

Linking this post to Grand Illusion Mystery Quilt Monday link up


  1. Love the purple units! Your blocks are looking wonderful together.

  2. Looks like you have been having fun! I am finishing my last 'promised to finish before Christmas' quilt too.

  3. Ooh! I love your purple! Can't wait to see your quilt come together.

  4. Kay, I just REALLY love your colors :)

  5. Love your colors and can't wait to see the finished quilt!

  6. Kay, you are quite right, it is your quilt and your colour choices are great.

  7. What you have done looks great!

  8. Love your choice of colours and look forward to seeing the final quilt.

  9. Your colors are great!! I changed mine only slightly this year from Bonnie's. Hopefully, you'll get everything done for the Holidays and be able to squeeze in more sewing time.


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