
Sunday, 10 May 2015

Hawick Common Riding 2015 - Bonchester

It hardly seems like a year has passed but Saturday was the first of the Hawick Common Riding Rideouts. Around 210 horses rode out to Bonchester around noon. It's still lambing time here on the farm so folks are still busy but when all of the lambing chores were done we followed over so that Kyle could follow the Cornet back in. We winter all of our horses out so Willow is still carrying a lot of hair and mane, hopefully she will get a beauty make over this week. Just as the riders were mounting the heavens opened.

The rain was short lived, here just up the road it was a different day, The Cornet Gregor Hepburn with his Right and Left Hand Men with The Acting Father

The Cornet arriving back in town around 8.30 in the evening....

You can find more info about the Hawick Common Ridings here....

Hawick Common Riding

wikipedia Hawick Common Riding

Hawick Common Riding Teribus


  1. I love your quilting, and also love that you let your horses live outside in winter. They're so much healthier and happier when allowed to be just horses. Mine is 10 years old and has only ever spent two nights in a stall and that was because of an eye injury just last fall.

  2. Hi Judy, you a right, our horses are only stabled when they need medical attention too, they are Native Breeds not Thoroughbreds, they grow thick coats to keep warm and can gallop around and play like they are today. Horse don't get stable addictions like wind sucking either when they live out......


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