
Friday, 24 July 2015

An American Abroad....

Where has the summer gone, we are nearing the end of July and it already feels like autumn.There is a jet stream hanging over Scotland and the North of England giving us cold cloudy and blustery weather along with heavy rainshowers. I wish someone could just pull those clouds out of the way, our temperatures are hanging around 15C whereas down in England just below Scotch Corner the temperatures dramatically change to around 25C, darn it!

The Guys are managing to get the summer work done, still a couple of weeks late thanks to the weather.....

We still have the Aga on here in my kitchen, ocassionally it get's a little warm but I find it much more fun to cook on my Aga than on my electric cooker.  Only trouble is when the Aga is on all of the time it doesn't get a thorough summer clean, but my hands and nails are thankful for that.

I've been neglecting my blog lately, it hasn't been at the forfront of my mind so I'll shortly try to show a few of the quilts that have been  missed.

Believe it or not this is the first time I have quilted a Baptist Fan either on a customer quilt or one of my own, I used the open design for fear of missing the alignment, maybe next time I'll use the closed design and see how that one goes.  Baptist Fan looks wonderful on Alana's Civil War Star quilt. Alana is the American abroad although probably a token Scott by now after 30 odd years of living here surely...

The stars are really showing well on this last photograph.

Just in time my entry for Festival of Quilts 2015 is finished. I love it when a competition quilt will fit on the back seat of my car, I can drop it off at the depot and don't have to hang around waiting for a courier with a huge van to pick up. And Yes, I know that is another blog post to write too!


  1. Lovely view from your window. You did great with the Baptist looks nice.

  2. Hello Kay,
    Here in the south of Germany it's about 30 degrees over the day and we are living in a little flat under the roof..... :(
    The fan-quilt looks amazing. It lets stand the pattern out and doesn't dominate the quilt (I hope these are the right words in English ).
    Greetings from Germany, Rike

  3. Lovely. Did you use panto, ruler, or is it free hand. This is something I'd love to try.

  4. Wow, what a wonderful view you have! The quilting is wonderful on the quilt. I have to ask what a Aga is. I am, after all, from the US and that item is not at all familiar to me. Thanks!

  5. Baptist Fan is one of my favorites...the quilt is lovely!


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