
Thursday, 3 September 2015

Sue's Mountmellick

Aren't I the lucky one to be asked to quilt this beauty.

This is the second quilt that I have been asked to quilt by Sue, it's perfection beyond words. My own set brief was to let the fantastic choice of fabrics speak for themselves. The quilting is there more than you know or can see, I wanted it to stay in the background.

The quilt is called Mountmellick and was designed by Di Ford and featured in Quiltmania magazine in 2014 as a  Mystery or block of the month type quilt.

I'll let the photos do the talking.......

Rulers and threads used

I know way too many photos.....

Isn't it just fabulous, another quilt that I didn't want to send home to France.....


  1. Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! I just can't comprehend all the piecing details! Extraordinary!

    1. Hi Susan, my name is Themis Abdo and I live in Brazil. This pattern is Mountmellick by Di Ford. Di Ford is an australian quilt design, she has beautiful books, one of them is Primarily Quilts with many inspirations.

  2. Such an exquisite match between quilting and piecing. Extraordinary!

  3. It is so wonderful to see close-ups of your work and Sue's. I love the quilting motifs you chose. They enhance without overwhelming, just what you were shooting for.

  4. OMG I so want to make one of these for myself...............gorgeous...........

  5. Absolutely gorgeous, both Sue's patchwork and your quilting. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  6. Fabulous work, Sue is a master quilter!, I would have seen this when Sue was in the Cotsswolds in August, sorry to have missed it Sue!

  7. This is a masterpiece! Both the quilt and your quilting. I especially like that border print that was used on the outside border - it just ties everything together.

  8. Thank you for all of your wonderful comment Ladies, much appreciated by myself and Sue I'm sure!


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